
Jess Watson Consulting

My role: Designer
Client: Jess Watson

Jona Brisske Interiors

My roles: Logo Designer, Brand Strategist

Client: Jona Brisske

Details: My client was working on a variety of interior design assignements, from large-scale commercial to one-on-one residential. She was feeling spread thin and not giving her best work.
We peeled back layers and discovered her passion truly lied in the personal, residential assignments. We worked on a strategy that involved focusing and perfecting her most recent residential assignment, collaborating with local photographer, Pixy Liao, in order to attract similar projects and expanding upon her passion.


Greenway - a collaboration with Vista Growth

My Role: Junior Designer, Photo-retoucher
Collaborated with: Senior Designer and Creative Director 


My role: Designer
Client: Shteti Web, Albanian NGO

Details: RE-designed Shteti Web logo along with
a stand-alone icon for web, social media and print distribution.



Tuesday Oct 5 2021